The club rules set forth are part of the terms and conditions of the membership agreement. They are designed ensure comfort and enjoyment whilst maintaining the highest levels of health and safety for all members, guests and employees. Failure to abide by these rules may result in a member, guest or spa client being asked to leave the club. KX reserves the right to amend any rule, regulation or price without prior notice to its members.
Our Club Rules

Club Rules
- Entry to the club is gained on presentation of a valid KX key fob at the front desk, or by providing your name to a receptionist.
- Upon joining, for security reasons, members will be required to have their photograph taken for their membership profile.
- Access to and use of KX, including the restaurant, is strictly for adults aged 18 years and over. Proof of age may be required.
- High standards of personal hygiene must be maintained and members should make every effort to deodorise before using the gym.
- Footwear and clothing must be clean and free from odours.
- Appropriate exercise clothing must be worn when using the gym. Tops must be worn at all times.
- Bags and coats are not permitted in the main gym.
- Bags and personal belongings, including coats and mobile phones, are not permitted in studio classes.
- In the interest of hygiene and safety, please wipe down equipment after use and ensure all equipment is placed back in the racks provided.
- Members or their guests will not be permitted to join classes after the class has started. This is to ensure health and safety, as well as to avoid interrupting and upsetting other members.
- Inappropriate or aggressive behaviour towards staff managing class attendance will not be tolerated.
- If you are unable to partake in a class that you have booked, please cancel via the app or website, or by calling the club so that another member is able to attend.
- No glass containers, hot beverages or food are allowed in the gym or studios.
- Members will be required to attend an induction to the club to ensure a thorough understanding of equipment and facilities.
- Please note, as KX offer this introductory service to all members and guests, the company will not accept liability for any injury or harm to individuals using the equipment. If an individual has failed to attend an induction, it is his or her responsibility to ensure they schedule attendance for the next available induction.
- All members and guests should ensure they have completed and signed a Pre-Activity Readiness Questionnaire prior to undergoing any form of exercise.
- All members must sign a personal training agreement form prior to commencing a personal training session.
- For reasons of hygiene and safety, all members and guests must read and abide by the following:
- Avoid drug and alcohol intake before exercising.
- Receive instruction on the use of gymnasium equipment prior to commencing a new exercise programme.
- Shower before entering the sauna, steam room, hot and cold plunge pools.
- Do not shave or exfoliate within the sauna, steam room and plunge pools.
- No body or hair products are allowed in the sauna, steam room and plunge pools.
- Ensure that the consumption of food and beverages remains within the restaurant and Clubroom area.
- Suitable clothing for all activities must be worn. Footwear must be supportive.
- No glass materials to be used or taken into any area other than the Restaurant and Clubroom.
- No pets will be permitted within the club apart from guide dogs.
- In the event of an incident or accident, please report it immediately to the Duty Manager. Where necessary, incidents will be referred to a third party and will be investigated in detail.
- Please respect the opening and closing hours of the club’s facilities.
- It is the member’s responsibility to inform KX of any change to contact information or payment details.
- Smoking is not permitted anywhere inside the club, and we ask that you refrain from smoking outside our entrance.
- For security reasons we are unable to accept personal mail or packages that are delivered to the club, unless prior arrangement has been made with the Front of House Manager.
- Please do not leave bags or personal items in the lockers overnight as they will be emptied every evening and contents may be stored off site.
- Food and drink that has not been purchased at KX cannot be consumed in the Restaurant, Clubroom, Gym or Studios.
- No member or guest shall use, ingest, possess or distribute illegal drugs or substances while on the club’s premises.
- Relationships are discouraged with members of staff.
- We kindly request that you refrain from taking photos or videos in the club. We also request that no photos or videos are taken in the changing rooms in order to respect the privacy of all guests and members.
- The safety and security of our members, guests and staff is of paramount importance to us. We ask that you conduct yourself in a quiet and well-mannered way that does not disturb or impair the use and enjoyment of the club by any other person. Members must not shout, use foul or abusive language (in any language) or behave in a threatening or intimidating manner of any description towards any member, guest or member of staff.
- Members should treat fellow members and staff as they would wish to be treated themselves.
- Inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated and the club will take action against conduct which shows lack of respect or which leads people to feel threatened. No drunkenness, bad language or other misconduct is permitted on the Club premises.
- Please consider others when using your mobile phone and keep calls to a minimum.
- Mobile phones are to be on silent when in the Spa relaxation area.
- Please dress in suitable attire at all times.
- Members who wilfully remove, damage or destroy property belonging to the club, or to members or guests on the premises, will be liable to have their membership revoked.